
Frequently Asked Questions

L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. is dedicated to saving abandoned children to provide them with education, housing, and a home life in an energy efficient, self-sustainable community.

 What expenses are covered by fundraising? 

Any and all monies gained by fundraising, donations, grants, or private investors are first and foremost distributed to operational support, and direct care needs.  Any additional funds will help support other missions including #A_Rise_Up. Another project called, “Learning to Love,” is about the founder’s arise up against injustice in foster care by memoirs of personal experiences surviving the system, racism and abuse.  Proceeds from this project will go directly toward procuring, building,  and maintaining our home campus, our vision, our safe house.


Is there an actual house yet?

 Yes, however, it is not the yet home described in our website, as we are still gaining the resources to buy our 18 million dollar estate. Currently the founder solely uses her own home, and resources to support this mission.


Is it just taking kids out of their homes
to place them in a better home?

 Our target population is the rehabilitation of children transition from sex trafficking directly from the life. They are not coming from homes, they are coming from the street, jail, on the run from traffickers or are in hiding. When they join L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. they become part of their forever home.


How many kids have to helped already?

 Since January 2017, we’ve had court appointed custody of four children, have had several emergency placement supports, and have fostered six others both in
Denver, Colorado & Honolulu, Hawaii. We have consistently cared for over a dozen youth and over two dozen including temporary placement.


How do you obtain the children?

L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. has several collaborations with various organizations with other non-profit agencies, safe houses, social workers, schools and courts systems. And through these collaborations, we have been entrusted with safe placement and care for children.


Is there a home from them where
they have their own space?

 The option has been theirs for a shared space or their own room. It has been their choice. Ideally when the building of our safe house is complete, this option will continue.


How long to they live there?

 Depending on the type of needs of each child depends on how long they be supported by our mission. Some children come from different backgrounds with different needs but ideally, unless the child would like to reconnect with their birth families they now have a home and are not required to leave. There will be different Opportunity Pathways (OPs) for them to learn how to be a functioning adult and contribute to society but also learning how to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.

 Statistics show that a majority of these children are exposed to this lifestyle through family. We will always respect the choice of the child, but we will always protect them as well. Furthermore, statistics also show that when children first are removed from such an environment they are very likely to run or try to return to their life. It is important to individualize the needs of every child, to what it is they need to be able to achieve safety and wellness.


 Who is the head of household?

 The founder has been the head of household and the sole provider of all resources for every operation the past nine years. There have been minimal donations provided, which were directly to events in the lives of the children, but nothing more than what the founder has provided herself, with the support of the L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. community. 


How many kids can live there at once?

 We would like to max out at ten at a time. This would include the option for an emergency placement solutions so on average six, but over the rest of my lifetime be able to positively impact the lives of 100 children. Once our safe house is secured to further support this mission, we will have the tools to develop a more flexible sheltering benefit.


 What determines rehabilitation and
where do they go afterwards?

 Child by child, they will be provided with different Opportunity Pathways (OPs) and be able to be the guide of their own healing. Through their choices they will continue to live responsibility in accordance to the path they have chosen. When they feel they have achieved wellness necessary to succeed on their own or take a new path in life, they will be assessed and supported to the greatest extent possible.

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L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. is “dedicated to the cultivation of self sustainable resources, education, growth, and enrichment of life.”

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