
Who is L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E.?

L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. is dedicated to saving abandoned children to provide them with education, housing, and a home life in an energy efficient, self-sustainable community.

If you are in need, please use the contact form or reach out via email for referrals.

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Our Mission

Overtime we will be building a totally “green” estate that will provide housing to each of these children that are supported in a more realistic home style building. All leads received are anonymous and we have other private volunteers assisting us in areas where these children are and current witnesses to these conditions.

Our team then goes out to investigate, and then if appropriate, start the necessary steps to obtain citizenship, birth records, and compliance with state avenues to be considered a valued life.

Through our mission overtime, we hope to impact the lives of 100 children, with no more than 8-10 at a time so that they can experience what a true home life should be like. A home without the chaos of a facility, placement, group home, foster care, violence, abuse, neglect, and overcrowding.

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
― Frederick Douglass

The abandoned children we hope to serve, in particular come from sex trafficking. Our programs offer support in healing, arts and music, spirituality, self-development, education, culture, and sports. We offer safety for these children with the faith that they will also give back to continue the fight against sex trafficking after growing through our home.

Our mission began in November of 2013 as a licensed non-profit organization through the state of Colorado, although our dream to build this started in 2002! We encourage anyone who would like to join our project to please submit your information below. We have received funding through grants and private funding although the majority of support has been provided by the Board CEO and President, Shellilyn Marie.

We will NOT be seeking our 501(c)(3) status. This is required only for regulated federal funding of programs and operations. We can still receive government grants through the right avenues. We must be cautious even with our funding as this field work can be dangerous. Every level of government and occupation has been infiltrated by organized crime. This is a trillion dollar industry we are combating, but we won’t stop fighting for our children
and the future of our communities.  

If you are a part of another non-profit organization and believe that working together would provide a greater benefit to our community, or if you would like more information, please fill out a contact form below with your questions.

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L.I.F.E.H.O.U.S.E. is “dedicated to the cultivation of self sustainable resources, education, growth, and enrichment of life.”

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